What is God like?


Howard Crossley gathers together statements found throughout the Bible to describe the various attributes of God. Is it important? That is where he begins. Unless we know what God is like we cannot worship or live in a way that is acceptable to Him. We cannot know how we may be saved. From that first foundational question he builds the biblical answer.

Part 1
Is it important?
Isaiah 46; Luke 18:9-14
Part 2speakersm3 God is Spirit #1: He is to be worshipped in spirit and truth
John 4:24
Part 3
God is Spirit #2: We cannot know God unless He reveals Himself to us
1 Corinthians 2
Part 4
God is holy #1: God is separate
Isaiah 6
Part 5
God is holy #2: God is pure
Isaiah 6; Exodus 15:11;
Part 6
God is love #1: be imitators of God
Ephesians 5
Part 7
God is love #2: questions this raises
John 3:1-21
Part 8
God is love #3: consider what kind of love God’s love is
1 John 3
Part 9
God is almighty #1: He is the creator
(audio missiong)God is almighty #2: His plan, purpose, prophecies and predictions are fulfilled (Chrisdtmas Day service)
Malachi 3; Isaiah 7:14;
Part 10
God is almighty #3: He is the controller
Titus 1:1-2
Part 11
God is almighty #4: the God of salvation
Psalm 68:20
Part 12
God is omnipresent and omniscient
Psalm 139; Hebrews 4
Part 13
God is just: He is just and the justifier of those who believe in Jesus Christ
Romans 3; 1 John 1