1 Thessalonians

1thlogoSomeone has said that if you find the perfect church, don’t join it! You’ll only spoil it.

The church in Thessalonica was good! It had welcomed the word of God. Its reputation and witness as a gospel church was widespread.

There were a few problems. They were suffering greatly because of their love for the Saviour. They had unanswered questions about their loved ones who had already gone to be with the Lord.

This book has been used to advance various false teachings about the second coming, especially one known as “The Rapture.” When the great final trumpet sounds, our Lord tells us, time will end, Christ will come and death will be swallowed up in victory. There is no two stage return. But, we will lose the value of this letter if we only focus on what some people falsely say it teaches. Let’s use it to strengthen our own faith and endure whatever sufferings we are called on to pass through.