
daniel and lionsThis is a remarkable book. We can study the life of a man of untarnished character. He was a true believer in the promised Saviour. This book contains the motivating example of godly people in an ungodly world. They never compromised, despite the pressure. It displays men of courage and conviction. It displays the conversion of a stubborn emperor and the condemnation of his son. It points to the time of the sufferings of the Saviour and of his everlasting kingdom. It ends with a glimpse of two destinies for men and women. The great lesson is that God reveals the future, God controls the future and God is the future.

But so much focuses on God as Saviour. He gave a man believing friends, showed that He is in control, revealed that he can save others, and then humbles an arrogant unbeliever.

A series of Bible studies in Daniel